Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week in Review 8/29/12: Part 1

Uncanny X-Force #30
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Dave Williams & Dean White
Company: Marvel Comics
The dissection and discombobulation of the team known as X-Force continues. This time out, we get the back story of what this new version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is doing to our young clone of Apocalypse, Evan, and just what they can possibly do to make him become evil. Remender tosses the poor boy into a psychological wood-chipper, and turns in a fairly effective story. The buddy-buddy-ness of Daken and Sabretooth is a little strange, but they get a lot of good lines. This issue however was devoid of an X-Force team, but you know, sometimes that's okay. The art
combo by Williams and White is solid. It doesn't quite compare to what Noto or Opena or several other of the artists that have graced the pages of this book have done, but it works well enough. It really feels like a mash-up between Daniel Acuna and Nick Bradshaw, with its highly painted nature blended with Art Adams styling. All things considered, Remender is slamming on the gas, letting the engine run to the absolute red with its tires melting, and heading to the finish line with this one. In other words, he's building to a bloody and truly satisfying end.

Justice League #12
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Jim Lee
Company: DC Comics
Without a doubt, the cover to this one is going to get people's attention. Wonder Woman and Superman making out. Yup, that's something that is fairly notable. But is the issue good? The quick answer is that it's decent. Johns' version of the Justice League, with its in-fighting, still doesn't ring completely true to my ears. I don't think its necessary or all that interesting. The Graves sub-plot is resolved and I found the dialogue between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor to be well thought out and believable. Still, much of the issue feels like a setup for things to come and I don't like the twist with Green Lantern. It felt too much like a Dark Knight-like idea. Lee's artwork. Well, it's Lee's artwork. The man's status is solidified in people's minds and he still turns in the same with every issue. It won't knock your socks off, but he knows how to make panels exciting. All in all, Justice League isn't quite reaching the levels that I thought this A-Team would bring, but it's not boring either. And yes, I know, that's faint praise, but it's what I've got.

Steed and Mrs Peel #0
Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Steve Bryant
Company: Boom! Studios
Being a fan of the original show, it's always nice to see an Avengers comic on the shelf. With the recent reprinting of Grant Morrison's story, there have been a few of them to read. This time out, Mark Waid is in the hot seat, and truthfully, he's the right man for the job. He gets the characters and their treasure trove of nuances and is able to put them on the page with uncanny skill. This isn't a reinvention of Steed and Peel, this is a continuation of their antics as they take on a revitalized Hellfire Club and their dastardly plot to rule the world. It's zany and a bit over the top, but it's a whole hell of a lot of fun for all involved. Bryant's art is the one thing I wasn't super crazy about. It feels a little posed at times, which hurts the action slightly, but their's an air of British-ness to it that brings a smile. The likenesses are also quite good. Seriously, the story here is driving my interest and I can't wait to see what this new Hellfire Club has to offer our intrepid heroes.

Avenging Spider-Man #11
Writer: Zeb Wells
Artist: Steve Dillon
Company: Marvel Comics
Well, first off, while I do think that Steve Dillon is a talented artist who did phenomenal things on books like Preacher and Hellblazer, he's not the guy that I'd instantly go to to draw Spider-Man. Like I said, he's a talented artist, but his style is awkward for a book like this. The faces all look a little off and give this very melancholy tale of Peter and Aunt May visiting the grave of Ben Parker an awkward feel. Well's story is fine. It wallows a bit in the past, recounting the events of Peter's life, but Wells does do some nice work with the dialogue between the two characters. I specifically like the notion that he brings about with Peter wanting to start a scholarship in Ben's name. May's reaction is great. All of the dialogue feels human, and that's really a great thing, something that maybe gets overlooked. I will say though, the cover to this one is brilliant. But that's Chris Samnee for you.

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